Sunday, May 17, 2009

Men Are Hard To Please

The problems with GUYS: If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him If u Don't, he says u are PROUD If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT. If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u; If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?) If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl; If he SMOKES, he is GENTLEMENT If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK If he does WELL, it's BRAINS If u HURT him, u are CRUEL If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!! & sooo hard to please!!!!!

Akademi Fantasia 7

Malam tu,aku tgok AF..(akademi fantasia).Ingatkan malam tuh lagu-lagu yang diowg akan nyanyi hampeh.Semua lagu xmasyuk langsung!Ingat kaw-kaw boley kasik gempak,kasik pecah kesemuanya xder langsung,,smua persembahan yang dipersembahkan sangatlah mendukacitakan..Persembahan malam tuh dimulakan dengan hafiz..nampak persembahan dia macam teragak-agak sikit.Yelah, nak ingt lirik lagi..nak hafal step tari yang byk langkah..Kesian tul aku tgok. Nampak kekok even da berminggu-minggu dia perform kat stage. Akim plak nampak gaya pada mula macam nak jadi Juara..apa saja yang dia buat malam tuh nampak btul2 nak menang la owg kata. Tapi tulah, rezki xmenyebelahi dia..Pas korang kuar AF nanti..,sapa yang rajin usaha dia la yang akan diminati..macam Adam AF..Farah AF..,dapat nombot corot kuar industri diowg la femes..Pepun,tahniah kat Hafiz sebab menjadi Juara Akademi Fantasia ke 7 nih.

Nota kaki: Aku xsabar nak tgok aksi Adam Lambert dalam American Idol.
kalau jatuh mangkit sendiri. =P
